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A Woman Amp; 39;s Best Make Up Is Her Smile Online Free

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THE WASHINGTON W A HINHTOi TIMES TI IES SUNDAY DECEMBER 18 1 811 1901 3 3uue Grove GroveA A AA story s i P y I a h Is Well Kept iUBXAJflXftLA Yfc once ODe part of ofi ofUM oftheA i HM District fit e Columbia then thenreverting thenrevertlBc thenrevertingreverting back to tb the Old DoIl Doatinlon Do Dominion minion Il nton Ale Alexaadrln whose dateslark dates datesIwirtc ate ateUirklark back two centuries Alexandria Alexandriachild AlexandriaChild Je JehUdchild hUd of history and mother of legend legendAlexandria Jepndlexaaclrta egendAlexandriaAlexandria whose venerable ptaebrJ elks pile of ofbrick dtbrickbrick brJ with mosa and M tradition Alexandria the thetown tbetuwn thetowntown which Prince Puahlmi the person penQill personal al 1 representative ntaUve of the Mikado in inelated InlIiated Inslatedelated upon vi visiting vtlttn Ittng when in Waahingtun Wasiting Wasitingtun Inl Inltuntun recently beeauae In far Japan hlalA hi hilad h hhud oes it not sound unci as though culled culledfrom culledfontfrom fll ft some page of Scotf flootta tI romances 10 or ordropped OfII ordroppedII dropped from th the Ups of a traveler in inold docoldold WorM byways bywaysIn bywapIn bywaysInIn one of the oldest graveyards Pe of ofAlexandria ofAltxanclrla ofA1A1 Alexandria xandrla is what was a once oa e one of the thehandsomest tb tbhan theloaiuaoloaiuao handsomest han s t monuments of the young youngl ycungMutes u uHutHut l Mutes attys After the fashion of those i days daytii da daitit consists of a great marble dab b resting restingJiorisontally reeilnarhuriUy restingiurlwatallyJiorisontally upon low round rodU columns columnson chamasinon U the surface of this slab still dJl legible legibleutter legibleIter qt qtJutter J lttr the rains IMt and anew and sleets steetaand Jdeetamd sleetsandand hall balls of nearly y a century is the theuiBcriptlon the1nlMrI thetns1nlMrI tns uiBcriptlon cripUoa fitted h aeriwlta rswithoThousands Thoua Tho nitauds have visited Yl ted tWa tw tb4drawn gra Iltj > Y9jdrawn drawnthlther thither by reports r p ru brought to totheir iA iAthf1r to tothttrtheir homes hnm by former t ft tftfl mar tourists lO rst and iwl each eaehof eachof h hoCof the thousands asks the same aIDe qestlons quee queetions q qttontions tton Who was u sheT she he uHow How came JIM sfeeto JIMto albstoto be buried her here Why did the theband hus husher hus husbandband woo tr from lft t tpe I Inscription rtptlon lei eYed eYedher d dherher withhold her main name W Wtory Was fear fearstory herstorystory tory never learned learnedTo le nMd uuedTo nMdToTo all these queries q tpe clUsens elu sna siAlexandria have been able a1 le to give Hwt Hwtunsatisfactory Nrt Nrtunaatlafaetory t tUAMtilltatloryagWErLunsatisfactory UAMtilltatloryagWErL answers Briefly all thatla known is here toM toMThe tOklThe toldTheThe Veiled Woman WomanOn y WomanOn oman omanOnOn Thursday Thursday July 25 ISM 1gw the brig brigFour brigJIr brigFourFour Son onII from ruin Halifax HaUtaxN N 8 for the theWest theWNt theWestWest Indks bclk put into Alexandria harbor harborthen harborthrn harborthenthen the chief oort on the tlte Chesapeake ChesapeakeBay Chesapeakeliar heliapeakeBarBay or it its tributaries Her skjpper Cap Captain CMItatn Captalntain Kelly was in great haste to reach reachhis reachIt reachhlahis It southern tltern destination had h d no cargo cargoor cargoor cargooror paHsengers pai engera for r r Alexandria and only onlyput onlyPUt onlyputput Into that pel poft because beeau he had on onboard onboard onboardboard a sick stekwoman woman woman whose strength t ngth did didnot didnot didnotnot warrant a longer l nrer sea voyage and andwhose andwh08e andwhosewhose husband had influence sufficient sufficientto mclent mclenttoto Induce the skipper to land his sick sickwife llickwife sickwifewife at the flrst available por The brig brigdid brigdid brigdiddid not tie up at the wharf harf fed d not lay layIn la laIn layinIn supplies did not send rtmn riUI ashore ashoreIn uhorcJa ashoecInIn tact she anchored in h mldatream mclstre m and andI andOft andonlyI only Oft remained rentatn long enough to lower a aboat aboat aboatboat and send ashore etM the sick woman womanand womanand OIIMln OIIMlnucland her man JRa compaMtott conip when when sheqlifoTHE 1 OTHE MEMORY MEMORYOF Q tII IIOFOF A AFEMALE APEJdALE AFEMALE5cFEMALE STRANGER STRANGERWh STRArGERr STRArGERrWIMHMtrtal STRANGERWW Wh WIMHMtrtal e UllrtalSufarin UllrtalSufarinTerntfnated Mortal Sufferings SufferingsTenmntUd Sufforin SufforinTerJltinatJM1TenmntUd on the 4th day dayef dayefOcttbOt ofAged of ofOctoberOctober 1816 1816Aged IB16IAged 23 Year Ya and all 8 MatbI MonthsTlds Months MonthsThisII This sieve ij steeled uI by sy y her iiscottselate ilacenslatehusband husband inwhole in whoie arm arms ske shebMatikfti skelin skeherbMatikfti lin seethe u the MId tell ear of death deathHew do death deathXsw itl1 itl1ewHew ew loved hew honored Jler hero red ad once avails a ai1s th thee e net netTo not notT notTcTo T whsm w rotated laid or 0 by whom begot begotA begotA ot otAA heap af f dust alone remains of theeTIs thee theeTh theeHJ1ITh all t nett Che art and all the proud foud shall hall be beTrwtbofBi befrjt4 4Twboflttfrjt TrwtbofBi Twbofltt wh8lli fan P gays a all the t1l ptepheti witaees wi that through IIs name nam who whojmmirttTmt1i whoftt whoogdhbjmmirttTmt1i ogdhb 1Ss1t ftt 9f i JHa s shall H raewve reeeie remiseios of sins ins J1I01Tn The OJ4 City CltyIiottl Hotel Alexandria Al xandriaYa xandriaYaTOSARAH an TOSARAH TO SARAH CURRAN EMMETS SWEETHEART SWEETHEARTByBy THOMAS MOORE MOORSShe MOORESI1 1SliejsSliejs SI She els is far from the land where her young yOttngheIo hero sleeps slee e P51 P51And H HAnd S Srr And lovers aroand her are siftix siftixDut aillliJtlj sighingIltftcoldY j jDutcoldlyDutcoldly Dut coldly she turn from their Innd g aeR M and wee wl wlFor vase Its ItsFor s i W WFor Every E efY Wote dotcwhlelt iotcwhtcit which beloved atraking aM aSflng aSflngStow ftl rye ryeilh r rrilh r little th they y think w who e delil1iti delight in Ji her r strains strainsHew tr i S SoJoJ J Stow the heart hc rt of th the niantrel k is 4I brooking f fRe X T THe5 JIRIn In those days hospitality waited alted not notmi noton notonon credentials The fh good people eoplo of ofAlexandria ofAlexandria ofAlexandriaAlexandria stopped bI d tp io i mak tnnke no > > 0 in inquiries Inqulne Inquirlea quiries No health ofllcfir o ot1lcgr with Ilh his his It in inspection Inllpeetlon Inspeetlon spection and qikrantlne ikuoftntl Intervened Intervefted to toprevent toprvnt topreventprevent the fending s ulhg IV Even E en when the thecaptains theeAptaln thecaptainscaptains gig JIi ligfulled polled Jiull tl alongside the pier pieranl pleJnl pieraeilanl nl It t was seen tliat t1uttthewomahi the womans woman face facewa faeeaM facewaswa was aM covered cover with a heavy veil no ques questions queaUIfUJ questions tions were asxed but lut willing wplin hands handsguv handJPtV handsgaveguv gave ready Hid Hiel to transport lnus > > pott her herto he to the theBunch th thBunch theBunchBunch of drupes afterward atter1 > > ro th the City CityHotel CItyHotel CityHotelHotel the largest lareat tavern t4 vern of o the vii village vll1a viilage lage 1a The beet room in the house was wasplaced wasplaced as asedplaced ed at the dtyiis disposal al I of the Invalid und undher Mltdher andherher husband whose boee manner drew dre andIseartng and andhearing anellMannKhearing proclaimed them of the Highest Highestsocial hllr highestsocial t tIIOCIaIsocial stratum atnttu The 1e man Inquired inaiuirsdthe inaiuirsdthesine the thename thenamename sine jof or the best eat physician l + Hylllcta In It the town townDr townr townDrDr r Murphy iurphy was sent for und asked to totak totakf totaketak take Bftl4e B admitting Dr Murphy to the thesickroom thelllekroom thesickroomsickroom however hoev r the strange atranae gentle gentleman ent14 ent14man entleman man called IIHt him aside apkieand ami pledged the thephysician thepkYflllclau thephysiciapphysician to regard r rd the tk case from from a apurely ItJUey apurelypurely professtomtl protea tonal sUmlpoint seeking seekingtn leekln leeklnto gave aYe and andebservMi andved andebservedebservMi ved the required pledge pled H and only Oftl remark fumark he was ever heard to makehr make makeht mukeittht after years > > concerning the case In Inreply hare Inreplyreply re y to the many Inquiries hUIUII was that thathe thatbe thathehe never saw w her lace nn It was wa always alwaysOffers alwayI itlwa s scoveredcovered wltha veil wtten ten he enter ettercd ed lhe lheChamber t c cchamberI Chamber ChamberIOffers Off rs of Assistance AssistanceThe AssistanceThe AssistanceTheIThe good townspeople t W Alpeopl as guest M > On H as UI they theylearned tM tMlamed theylearnedlearned of the sick stronger > > within their theirmidst theirJftlWtt theiririldstmidst Iwsteried to the hostelry to proffer proffertheir profterthetr proffertheirtheir services rvlcea volunteering to open their theirH their1wtm theirhomes1wtm homes H m s to receive her It need IMS KM and in instating InattIUnlt ins stating s upon taking turns at nursing the theInvalid theI theinvelldI Invalid They w wire re met by the man manwith manI manwithwith p ptrteet rfeet courtesy fourtN but ititllinching unlUnchin re resistance retane resiatenee I sistance tane their offers he said were were appreelated ap appreciated aperweetated preciated but no one should nurse her herbut herbut herbutbut himself Faithful he was u and de devoted tlevoted devoted voted however eccentric his h actions actionsmight acUolUIht actionsmightmight ht be Day and night he stayed taed by bythe b bthe bythethe bedside ministering Iftlnl tert with 1th uncom uncomplaining untOlftplalnl uneonplaiaing plaining plalnl patience Uence No one who witneased wit witnessed withS nessed his hS devotion could doubt his h love levefor 10 10tor loveforfor the woman womanThrough WinlanThr womanThreaghThrough Thr h the months m nthl of August and andJJSeptember the woman Woffl rrontan n lingered Ung red between betweenlife bet1tHUtUte betweenlifelife and death Wiiat litRt Tf 1 wwL the nature natureof tlaturoof tur turotof her malady the good gH Dr Dr Murphy Murphywould Murphywould Murphywouldwould never reveal Fe Fota Mi time It wa wathoughttobe was WIUIthoUKht wasthoughtthoughttobe thought to he JM consumption eotisumptbn sumptlon but there thereure thereare therestyeare rumors rumo l and whisperings hl hglC that when whenth whenthe whentheth the last night Ipt camel WHO came there was was heard the thebrief thebrh thebriefbrief brh C wall wulloC of an infant InfMtitu puny ptn weak weakcry weakcrycry 1 us though the one expression of a alife Klite alifelife born but to die dieAt dieAt die1tAt 1t length others were let t Into the thewecret thetteCret thesecretsecret Human endurance has Its limit limituml limitaUld limitttnilaUld the t be strange trne IK4mU gentleman man found his litestrength histren hisstrengthstrength tren h unequal to the th task f con continuous continuo continuous tinuo tinuous watching through so many nUtn days daysand dllsInd daysiuidand nights Living at tho hotel at that thattime thattime thattimetime were w re Mrs fril Sarah Wise and Mrs MrsKlhtabeth 18 I IKUmbeth siCllrabethKlhtabeth Herbert member meIl1 of two of ofVirginias orlr oflrginlaVirginias lr lrginla nla s oldest families tamtll Often they theyhad theyhad theyhadhad proffered courteously told they th y were w rcnot not needed neededAt needodAtlut neededAtlastAt Atlut l t however Jloeverthe the man n signified that thathe thatbe thathehe was wa compelled COipelle4 to ask their thelraulitance thelraulitanceIn assistance assistanceInIn nursing nurBl > > g the woman woman Yet before he hewould hewould hewouldwould trust them th m in theroem the ro room m lie I made JJUldeeach madeeach madeeacheach of ofthem them take a solemn solemn oath that thatnever thatnever thatnevernever so long as they lived Ih lived i would ould they theyreveal the thelev81 theyrevealreveal the secret > > of o the womans iden identity IdentIt identitlI tity tIt titlIAttityAtAt midnight of October 13 it was wa seen seenthat HenUutt seenthatthat the Stranger IU1 thgefo could cotildfnotsur not notsur survive un1ve 1ve the thenight thenlcht thenightnight When this th was WI made clear cl llr to tntfi totli totiletfi tile roan he requested r reflu Muest t should withdraw from frturithe1OOm the room It was wasfrom WHSfrom WK WKfromfrom the adjoining toom room that the curious curi curious curlOUill ous landlords wife thought she > > he heard lieardthe heardthe heardthethe cry cr of an Infant an atn hour or two twolater twolater twolaterlater Friday meriting mornf I came earn in with a acold acold acoldcold east wind and a R fine cutting rain rainJust rahtJWIt rainJustJust us the gray light begun i1e u to reveal revealthe revealthe revealthethe dome of the distant Capitol through throughtlie thloUhtile throughtittile tit mist t the man haggardfreed hft haggardf broken staggered from tke room and andtold andtold andtolltold the innkeeper that all was w over overDeath overDeath overDeathDeath Brought No Light LightMystery LightMytel LightMysteryMystery was still tlil preserved pre rvd This was wasbefore WA WAbefole wasbeforebefore the days of the undertaker so sothe sothe o othethe fact tle of the man Inciting 1n iting upon pre preparing pieIrtn ps e eparing paring Irtn with his own hands the body bodyfor bodytor bodyforfor burial was nut so strange a proceedt proceedleg proceed proceeding leg t as it would be today tod y When the tliecoffin theoom thecoldncoffin oom was brought he again Api iasleted 1I4t d on onbeing Oftbet onbeingbeing bet alone and there were w nfu 1 1wtaea tntt tUtesses tUtesseswhen + Meses Meseswhenwhen he b laW the cold form tort uyihe f Ith h collin cofllnand collinaM coffinandand screwed down the lid ap apt none to toknow tok toknowknow k w if f at 11 t thetsnme the theaatae Ifte timajjiti tfm he placed placedtherein jlae nta lld lldtHNI d dthereintherein therein another oUt and tiny lffl It t w bodyJSarah arah Curan Th Theodosia odosja Uwr wpThere remained the problem of the theburial theral theburialburial ral Qnce more he called to his aid aidMrs aJdMr aidMrsiMrs Mr Wise VJa and Mrs Mr Herbert Both Bothhese Both Bothhelie BothTheseThese hese estimable dJn ble woilnen were momlkjraJ momlkjraJef members momoorsof membersofof St Paura P ttltI Episcopal E l3pleoopal IecopJ Church Bliop BliopCIggett Bf ml Iiop IiopGl p pChSettCIggett ChSett Gl pett the theRlHt first American Amerfcanerfcan bishop of ofthe orthe ofthethe BpiTCopal Epf p11 Church chanced to be in inAlexandria InAlexandrHL InAlexandriaAlexandria To the bishop the r two twowomen twowomen twowomenwomen west told him they t eY knew the thosecret thoi thoiS thesecret secret S ert of o the womans womans life and death deathand dthInd deathandand that she was wWlworthy worthy of Christianburial Christian Christianburial Chrstlanburialburial This notwithstanding the in inscription Inscription Inscription scription on the atone ione which clearly im implies IIJIplle Implies plies plle that the woman Oman had sinned Tho Thogood Thogood Thegoodgood bishop took them t at their word wordand wordand wordandand hiiT hllJel elf officiated oliidai As he died mad suddenly maddenly ud uddenly denly a law tew weeks laAr in Prince George Georgecounty G Georgecounty orga orgaountYcounty Md this thS is thought to be the thelent theIn thelastlent In t funeral at which he acted The Thehour Thehour Thehourhour of the funeral becoming known a agreat agreat agreatgreat concourse ooneourse followed the body to toSt toSt toStSt Pauls P ul graveyard where It was In Interred Interred interred terred under a t large 1a cedar The man manremained mAnr mnnrerhainodremained r r alned only long enough to give di direction dlrectlen d drectlene rection rectlene about the monument find andto to in indicate Indicate Indicate dicate the Inscription ln ertptlon to U be placed pl ecd there thereon there thereon thereon on and andthen then he disappeared d retl leaving his hisunsolved hisun hisunsolvedunsolved un oled mystery r tery behind htnd him himMrs blmlfr himMrsMrs lfr Wile and Mrs IlII Herbert n rbortrem remained remainedfaithful remainedfaithful fnad fnadtalthfulfaithful to their trust The man had hadchosen hadchONn haddchosenchosen his conndantes wisely Or r elsethe else elsethe el elthethe e oath th he required wash wa terrible t rlble in Pita Pitabinding Its Itsbinding It Itbindingbinding effect teas Both lived to toa a R ripe old oldge old oldage oldageage ge and died wHnout revealing the thesecret theseert thesecretsecret intrusted Intru tedto to their caro Mr J JW JHernden JWW Hernden I clerk in the Howe folding foldingroom tolding10011I foldingroomroom and secretary of the th theSociety Society S loty for forthe forthe for forthethe Restoration of Historic H torle Alexandria Alexandriaremembers Alexandriaremembers leXandrIaremembersremembers bearing his mother bog MrsVise Mrs MrsWise MrsVIMWise VIM for ahtnro a hint of the secret arguing arguingthat argutngtht arguingthatthat there t ere was no longer Jo get any an reason reasonthat reasontht reasonthatthat It should aho ld be kept but to Mrs airsHerndon MrsHerndon MrsHerndonHerndon as a to all other otherlntlulrer inquirers Mrs MrsWise MrsVI MrsWiseWise VI replied that her lips wire sealed sealedand se sealedand Jed Jedndand nd that there was wa no inducement on onearth onearth onearthearth suolcient u t to cause cati a divulgence divulgoncaofof the secret r t All that th t these faithfulnurses faithful faithfulnurses faithfulnurnurses nur ever toW toklwaa was via that the woman womanwas womlUtwu womarwaswas wu beautiful norw nor r would uHl tl Ute they y deny denythat denyb deny denyThatthat b t she adMv ahs was of uncommonly uneomo dY high birth blrthWhoShe birthWho birthII Who WhoShe She Might MightHaveBeen MightHaveBeenVtth Have Been Beenj BeenWithj With Vtth so little known conjecture lias liasb 11uliten liaabeenbeen b en rife as to who the th beautiful beoutltulstranger beautifulstranger b uUtul uUtulwtrangerstranger ntjhjht apt have been Several S er ldli ldlitrct dis district diej diejtrlct trict legende eg have h v grown grovn up about her herYou herYou herYouYou will w J And many in Alexandria AI xalldri who whowill w110wtU whoSiltlwill tell tellY you the th woman was the beauand beau beautiful tiful 1 1 and rifted Theodosla ne ThebddslaBurr d 81a Burr Aleton AletonSauglitwoV Ald Alden Aldendaughter n nhterjdaughter SauglitwoV hterj p1Aaron lAanm Aaron Burr and andwt wife of the thegovernor thelovcrnorol thegovernorgovernor lovcrnorol governor of North N rth Carolina It will ill i bef beretnem be berememtfcrtaf retnem rememtfcrta mtfir thst trait forty to ty years after afterOrheodosflk atterheodoet afterheodOrheodosflk heod heodoet Burr1aatllieea Burr had been given up as askwt a aNt asboatboat Nt at sea sea in a storm torftl on oct Cape Hatteras Hat Hatteras Hattetrateras tetra two men men about to tobe be executed ex t d in inItprfolk InXpr inrprfolkItprfolk Xpr olk bra a confessed coftt that they theyhat1 theyhat1beeamem had hadbeetjuraembers hatlbHomemPihbeetjuraembers beeamem lh of z gang p g of shore pirates pirateswhoruV plrat plrathOf4 pirateswhowhoruV who hOf4 + by means Raeana o of o a false light had hadlured midlured hadluredlured lured the Illfated Patriot on the therecks thepocks taepeccspocks peccs nnd I apdhad dhad had then thenforcedanon forced all on board boardincluding bottrd bottrdnc1Udlng boardincludingincluding Mrs 1rss Alston Alston latqn to walk the tlieplank UleIIanc theplankplank plank A year yiar ar or so IN later a dying sailor sailorIn allorfnfn In 0 New N w Orleans confessed to complic complicity compUcny compllcIty ity in the lame same me crime Those who hold holdthat holdt1at holdthatthat the stranger whd died In Alexan Alexandria Alexundra Alexandrfa dria was Tkfcodosia osla o ta Burr argue that no noiilrate noiirate noirateirate w would d have been at the th > samu samutime SRmot1m samotimetime t1m e so bajteland talanel so Impervlojs to fe female female female male ch clttt i trtns a as to have caused e ued the tliedeath theea thedeathdeath ea H of 0 TneodoaJMV o osFa Ia Alston would it net nethave nethave nothavehave been beenmore been more shore probable pr Hble that the wo woman wonwtn weman man would weu be ssVM rid as a prize and andwhen Ilndwhen andwhenwhen dymk dtIn from Toni shame me a and d grief griefbrought grJ griefbrought t tbrougbtbrought as ashore It hofe are with as much sverecy ns nspossible nspos81ble1 aspossiblepossible This TIt would account they theymaintain theymRlntn theymaintainmaintain for the insistence on secrecy secrecyafter MCreeyafier secrecyafterafter death deathUnfortunately deathUnort deathUnfortunatelyUnfortunately Unort tuttely for the romance facts factsand fact factand factsandand dates dllt Itecredit this theory It wits witson was wason Wt J Jonon December Deoemi Deoemblr tr v e lilts that Mrs Alston Alstonleft Alstonleft Alstonleftleft Norfoifc Norfo fc join Join1 joInilttr Tsar her father in New NewYork Nf NfYork NewYorkYork T T1ie he h storm ltOrftt which enabled the thesurf the8uri thesurfsurf pirate pln pirates oM to lure the Patriot on the therocks lhttrocks therocksrocks of or Kngs Nags als Head Ilearloccurred occurred onJanu onJanuairy on Janu January Jltnuary ary 1 1tig 1S1JL lil Even EvttnSf lf sii she Its escaped the theffcte thettLte thefatefate of all others on 01 board h ttrd a It woman of ofMrs orMrs ofMrsMrs Alstolis Alston AI > > tCt1J refinement would wouldnot not have havelived hllveJIved havehivedlived through the horror of more than thanthree thuftthree thanthreethree oe ears ears ci in suet such aauc captivity More Moreover Moreonr Moreover over this thl gang nl was wgscomposed composed of otfale otfaleImet ie ielowest e elowestlowest elements el ent ents of of humanity fumltnlt the nTun nTunwho rKunwho an anwhowho brong brougjit elt tl t the dyns dyn dy n t stranger to Alex Alexandria A Alexandriaa lux luxRndrla andria was W1t wai to t all outward appearance appearancea RppeanmcegentlemAna a gentleman gentlemAn Agaiq the inscription on onthe ont onthethe t e stone stoner tI nSanifaats tnlfoliUiCfplete complete familiarity familiaritywith famUJarltywith familiaritywithwith the age of the tbedead dead woman which w1ilchhi j jisis set dowiTas dOIKS dowii as ti twentythree tot etythree lhree If she had h hadlived d dlived j jlivedlived to that time tl 1heodo Theodosla Ja Burr Burrwould BUIrwould Burrwouldwould have been ten t n years older olderThrough oldetThrouGh olderThroughThrough the mute1 mute1eloquence mute ule eloquence of the thestone thealone thestonealone stone the the man claims to have ha been be n the thedead thedead thedeaddead womans wonias husband Governor Oc > erftor Ale Alston All1ton Aleton ton of NWh or1h Carolina could not have liaveentered hveontered haveonteredontered Alexandria JJ xandria unknown unknownWas unknonWas unknownWasWas it it Emmets Sweetheart SweetheartOthers SweetheartOthertl SweetheartOthersOthers with more reason reat > > on think the thestranger theslmnger thestrangerstranger WHH wa Sarah Curran the broken brokenhearted brokoolte brokenhearted hearted lte rted fiancee ftbncee of Robert Bmmet the themartyred themartyred themartyredmartyred 1rt8 heart patriot It was to her horthat her herthat herthatthat Thonlas Moore friend both to her herand hetand herandand to ISnimet Emittelftddreued 15nithet addressed those beautiful beauti beautiful beautCui ful lines beginning beginningShe beginning beginning8b btglnnlnf btglnnlnShe that Sarah > v Curran C lran though still pining piningfor plnnGfor piningforfor her filbert n brl was a two years ye ulI after afterhis aftclhili afterhishis execution execu ign forced to marry marl Major Majorgturgcon MajorIturceon MajorSturgeonSturgeon of the British nrtU h army arm staff staffcorits staffcorps llttC llttCeonIcorits corps unil mi Uhat that soon after the lh couple coupleleft COUIle1eft coupleleftleft EnglHtd Enctycl Might It not be she griev grieving grfeyhllr grlevlug lug for to of a a husbftjtul hll M41 site did not love and who whoto whoto whototo protect her from the comments > > of ofthe orth ofthethe th curiuuf withheld her r name nameAgain nameAgain UUfte1 UUfte1ltalnAgain ltaln tike tI d datesalways ft tes always proaalo PrO prosalestep prosalestepIn AlIotlLfV AlIotlLfVIII step stepinin to controvert O ntrovert this hypothesis The Thegirl TheSlill Thegirlgirl died in In1I1f itM at the age 11 of twenty twentythree tw twent twentthree b bthraethree Robert R bOrt > Bmmet was aa exsoutod ox outoatJ Jff y THE HUSBANDS HUSBAND S CONFESSION CONFESSIONNever CQJVFEssi6it CQJVFEssi6itd CONFE SSI0 SSI0y SSI0Neverd4IN Never v7r had I loved her more ore than at that th t hour The glow of fevergrew fever feverjgrew fevergjgrew g grew ew upon p n her cfcaek ch ek and andt sparkled in her eye Atronpe At once I offered o offered ere4to to induce the thecaptain thecaptain1 captain to return r tum to Martinique and to to assist S6ist in securing the forms neces necessary necessary n eces ecessarysary to invalidate the matrimonial contract contractShe contractShe contractSheShe seemed to consider this a moment her eyes danced with a awilder awilderwilder wilder brilliancy and the color of her cheeja cheel deepened dee ened beyond all hues of ofhealth ofhealth ofhealth Ihealth Then suddenly her features contracted as though some somcllorrlble horrible horriblethoughtI Ithought Mthoughtthought convulsed convulsed her brain and crying Oh the shame the shame shamet she shefell f ffell ffellfell forward forw d upon the floor in a swoon swoonFor swoonF I IForFor F r days her life hung lightly balanced Fortunately Fortin t ately one of the themis themissionaries mis missionaries missio sionaries sio ades aboard added a knowledge of medicine to his other acquiremonts acquiremontsandand to to his skill and attention she owed her life Her reason however howeverfelt howeverf howeverfeltfelt f lt the shock and at times she would kneel before me me and beg me to tojnurder tomurder tomurdermurder murder her When the vessel reached its destination St John N B Bthe Bthe Bthethe physicians phys cians declared that to remain in that climate was certain death deathfor deathfor deathforfor her so we reembarked and in due time were put ashore in Alexan Alexandria AJexandria Alexandna dria and an were safely lodged at the City Hotel The ladies of the hospi hospii hospitable hospitablei table town t wn were doubly kind to her they never asked her name or family familyfor familyfor familyforfor said one of them She is a stranger and sick sicktwo two letters of introduc introduction introduct introduction tion t on from heaven heavenAll heavenAll heavenAllAll help all sisterly ministrations were vain One night she woke wokeme wokeme wokememe who never left her bedside bed aide but ht hsd d nodded into a light li ht slumber I Ishall 1shall Ishallshall soon soon be away she said saidven very softly far from living fears ars and evil evilI evilto eviltonguesI tongues to gues I strove to interrupt but she placed her finger on my lips and andK andcontinued andcontinuedK continued continuedYbu continuedYou continuedYouYou have dearly loved me J John ohn promise me that noone no one here shall shallknow IhaIlknow ahal1knowknow know my mYname y name or even from whence I came cameAs cameAs cameAsAs God lives I promise I replied repliedThen rcpliedThen repliedThenThen that is all over John she continued taking my hand when whenII am dead marry some one worthy of you Kiss Xis me meOur meOurOur lips met but death came between the bridegroom and the bride bridefor bridefor brideforfor Blanche was dead deadfFrom From the Narrative of John Trust by Wil William Wi Wi1ia WI WILiam Iliam 1ia F Carne c meAthirteen years 3oCf1rsbe yearsbefore before oro Ifshe If she wore Sarah SarahCiirrsn SarahCnrralJ SarahCnrraslCnrrasl Ciirrsn daughter of the distinguishedIrish distinguished distinguishedIrish d1 tlnGuI8hed tlnGuI8hedIrishIrish lawyer Iflwy r she would have had her herromentle herattachmentromentle attachment for Emmet at the theterider tlJeterplerterpler terider age ag of ten tenMost ten1106t tenMostMost widely current is the story that thatthe thatthe thatthothe stranger was one of four children childrenborn childrenborn childrenbornborn f of distinguished parents whom whomreverses whomrevcr whomreveriesreverses revcr e forced to place the children in inan inan inanan English almshouse whence they theywern theywerA theyweratakenwern werataken taken t en by guardians from rom the four fourquarters fourquarterS fourquartarsquarters quarterS of the globe growing up un unknown unknown unknown known to each other under trader different differentnames differentnamos differentnamesnames Years after so the story runs runswith rUniiwith runswithwith many man details detailstwo two brothers and a asister asister asistersister met in the island of Martinique MartiniqueWest MartiniqueVSt MartiniqueWestWest VSt Indies Ignorant of their relation relationship relationship relationshipboth shipboth ship both men fell in love with the girl girltheir sirltheir girltheirtheir sister One of the brothers by bymeana bymenns bymeansmeans of the then little understood understoodscience understoodscience understoodsciencescience of hypnotism stole the girl away awayfrom awayfrom awayfromfrom the island Isl nd and fled to the States StatesWhen StatesVhen StatesWhenWhen he went to board the ship which whichwss whichwa whichwaswas wa to carry them from the island a aparty aparty apartyparty of Jesuit Je ult priests aboard insisted insistedon insistedonon a ft marriage ceremony before they theywere theyere theywerewere ere allowed to climb the gangway so sothe 80tpc sothethe brother and sister were married m rrled in inthe Inthe Jnthethe rocking boat alongside the ship shipwhile shipwhile > > hlp hlphllowhile hllo thVglrl the girl was In a hypnotic trance tranceBrother tranceBr tranceBrotherBrother Br ther and Sister Harried HarriedLater MarriedLater taniedLaterLater through a 8 chance revelation revelationthe rve1atlonthe revelationthethe fact that they were brother and andslater andslster andsisterslater became known to the newly mar married marrhd married ried pair ftr and the shame for one and andremorse andrmorso andremorseremorse for the other wrecked both their theirlives theirliveslives The revelation came while they theywere theywere theywere Iwere In Halifax Immediately tho girl girlbegan Sillesult girlbeganbegan esult to pint away The conscience consciencestricken eon consciencestricken clence clence8trlekenstricken man sought to take her back backto b backto ck cktoto her hertrlends friends in Martinique where it itwas ItWRS Itwaswas his intention to have the marriageset marriage marriageBet marriagesetBet set naMe but her health declined so sorapidly MOrapl sorapidlyrapidly rapl take her ashore at Alexandria Knowingshe Knowing Knowingshe KnowtnKheshe he was to die the th girl required rQulr of her herhusbandbrother hermsbandbrother hertusbandbrotherhusbandbrother the promise that be hewould bewould bewouldwould prevent her Identity becoming becomingknown becomingknown becomingknownknown I How low well ho kept his pimise pimisewewe all know This story it I Ic supposed to tohave toha tohavehave ha come to light through the memoirs memoirsofof the other brother who wrote them in inSpanish InSpal1lli1h inSpapishSpanish after he had entered a a Catholic Catholiccloister Catholicc1ol Catholiccloistercloister c1ol ler These memoirs are said to tohave tohave tohavehave oot18 eamejUUo into the hands of an attache attacheof attacheoCof the Spanish SIMlnl h legation at Washingtonwho Washington Washingtonwho tUJhlngton tUJhlngtonwhowho employed Mr William llUam F Carne of ofAlexandria ofAlexllntlritt ofAlexandriaAlexandria to translate them themMr themMr themMrMr Carne did publish The Narrative Narrativeofof John Trust in 1S07 in which this thisstory tb tbtory thisstorystory tory to I told Today Mr r Carne says saysthe aYIlthe saysthethe story is a II romance of his own ownthough ownthQug ownthoughthough thQug he admits there is Mime foundation founda foundation foundation tion in truth and maintains that all allthat aUthat altthatthat is known of the girl is contained containedIn eontal eontalIn t tinIn his narrative Just what was his hissource It Itource himsourcesource of information ha declines d Jlneei to tostate tostlLte tostalestate preserving pr iServlng the pme ame reticence reticencethat reticencethat reticencethatthat all maintain who have stumbled stumbledonon to any clue to the mystery mysterySo mster msterSoSo much for conjecture let us sec secwhat IieCwhat seewhatwhat the flotsam and jetsam jot m of o fastinnuendo fast fastinnuendo tatinnuendoinnuendo and whispered hint gathered gatheredfrom rthered rtheredtrom gatheredthefrom a hundred sources reveal reVM of ofstranger the thelife thelIrolife story of the mysterious maate maateHusband stranger strangerHusband IItranaerHusbandHusband Revisits nev 5Ua Grave GraveIt GraveII GraveItIt is a fact that on October I SIT SITthe 11lthe lttTthisthe nrst anniversary l of the girls death deathher deathher deathherher companion was again seen in Alex Alexandria Alexandria Iex Iexand andria and ria He stopped at no hotel spoke spoketo apoktoto no one but ferrying across ftcro a from fromWashington fro froashlngtotl frontWaahingtouWashington went directly to Sv graveyard where li He spent 8p nt the day d by bytlie b btbe bythethe tomb of the th unknown This Th was we re rewhan reo retptltptl 1 tOF fgra do dense yearn a and a1waJIJ a1waJIJwl1 alwityathewhan wl1 he lUIlett left the th tomb was wttltrte fresh withflowers the grass and green shrubbery shrubberyneatly ahrub shrubberyneatly ctT ctTMtlYneatly trimmed Some 80m visitor to tho thotown thotown thetowntown who saw him on one of these thesepilgrimages thesepilgrimages the e eplJgrtmal8pilgrimages of devotion recognized him himas himas himasas an officer in the English army armyAt armyAt armyAtAt last however his visits ceasedand ceased ceasedand ooasedandand gradually the grave fell into decay decaythe decaythe decaythethe heavy stone sinking on one side sidetill 81deun sidetilltill it threatened to topple over Then Thenone Thenone Thenoneone spring JiPrln morning mornln as a Emanuel Webb Webbstill Webb8tUl Webbstillstill superintendent at St Pauls Paulswas Paulswas Paulswaswas planting some flowers on a new newmade newmade newmademade grave he was approached by two twohandsomely twohandsomely twohandsomelyhandsomely gowned Owned elderly women womenwho womenhOo womenwhowho hOo pointing to the then dilapidated dilapidatedgrave dUapidatedve dilapidatedgravegrave ve of the stranger with Its toppling topplingstone topplingatone topplingstonestone demanded to know why it had hadnot hadnot hadnotnot been better cared for forWho forWlto forWhoWho is to pay me for caring for fopthat forthat forthatthat grave graver demanded SuperintendentWebb Superintendent SuperintendentWebb SuperintendentVWebb V ebbWebbWhat ebbWhatWhat have MV you Y not received a a regu regular regular regular lar stipend for to doing doIa so 801 indignantly indignantlyasked JndJsnantJya Indignantlyaskedasked a > > ked one of the ladies ladiesNo lauUMNo IndiesNoNo indeed said Mr Webb WebbWky WeltbWk7 WebbWhyWhy that is incomprehensible ex exclaimed oxclaimed exclaimed claimed the woman There must have havebeen havebeen havebeenbeen some 1 serious oversight oversightTell overalglttTeU oversightTellTell me said s ld Webb Do y you u knowwho Know Knowwho knowwhowho she was wasWe wor wortWa wasVetWa We Ve are relatives replied the wo woman woIDa we wemanman IDamanWhoWho was the man manHe matt0He r rHe0He He was an BngHah mHlihVhero eCa tdAeec tdAeecWhere str strWhereWhere did kl he go from Alexandria AlexandriaTo AistrandriaTo A ria riaToTo Prance PranceAt FIIUICeAt FranceAtAt this juncture when Webb flattered flatteredhimself flatteredhimself t retl retlhJlUlelthimself that he was wa about to obtain a asolution aBOlutJon asolutionsolution to the mystery of a century centurydistinguished centUr it itdllltlnauJshed a adistinguished J JU h lished U acted hed anew with Ith 1IoW8ftl lowers and JMl shrubs shrubsand shrubsand shrubsandand the stone propped into place but butWebb bu butWebb t tW6Webb W6 b heard no more from fJoo AMI Ale mysterious mys mysterious mfst terious t callers callersCan ca caCan callersCanCan we gather tber aught from the Inscrip Macriptloa Inscription tion on the stone Pleat the u care taken takento takt11lo takentoto preserve the secret eret of identity and andthe andthe andthethe faithfulness fathful with which those wiu wiuknew whu whuknew whuknewknew the story preserved it in inch inchown theilown theirownown consciousness argues a personug personugofof such sJFh h rank and so well known to the theworm theworld thewortworld wort worm that the very whisper of her hername Iwrnaute hernamename would set the world agate Again Againthe Agliinthe Againthethe second line of the stanaa ata from fromPope tromPope fromPopePope To 0 whom related or by whom whombegot whorebe whombegotbegot be ot clearly impttea I Itnpl e a parentage und undfamily an anfaIRI andfamilyfamily faIRI of consequence eon equence Then too the theScripture theScnptur theScripturScripture quoted woukl seem to implythat Imply Implythat Inplythatthat the woman was one of Sv Bve Evea s erring erringdaughters erringdaugltt erringdaughtersdaughters daugltt whom a forgiving t 1 husband husbandsought Attabandsought ab nd ndIiiOUsbtsought to shield from tj tie e fissjasslmnctra fissjasslmnctraof C rtMPct5 rtMPct5ofof her felly telt Is 1 this t not the most rca reasonable rcahypotb rcasoeabie sonable hypothesis hypothesisBut hypotb hypotbBut hypothesisButBut who was she Poet or peasant peasantprincess peasantprtllceu peasantprincessprincess or pauper pauperTbe pauperThe pauperTheThe answer to this question qQM Oa shall be beknown beknownwhen Leknownwhenknown knownwhen when the Archangel Gabriel OabridoUJI Gabrielsounds Oabrulsoundssounds oUJI the summons which shall call callthe ca callthe 11 11thethe deaJ eaJ from their tombs when the thesea tbesea theseasea gives up Its dead and when all allsecrets ullcn allssecetassecrets cn ire ure revealed Until then mtery mys mystery m s stet tery tet inviolate will surround THc Tit rtk Gray Graa Graaof Oroot o oofof the Stranger atmngerWHAT 8t1MnpfWHAT StrangerWHATWHAT HE TOOK IT FOR JFORStern FORStern it IWillieStern StP MotJwrWilUe MotJwrWilUeWilHe MotherWJlUetWIUteWillie OetbaekYesm OetbaekYesmTheres othaoll OetbackYeltnTheres Y YThereTheres There H whole H lot e UM ol > tentl atetsof ate tentlot > tn tnoftfctooftfcto ot thin t jar iriiiteslntj IttissifL Jftot hat lid Ni l take taket It t fr tor1 1 task = k ier Jasju mtmiim sj t wuaIt ltT JIlt

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