Despite seeing a few spinoff games and a direct sequel, Gearbox's Borderlands 2 still has a dedicated following which still appreciates its unique charm and appeal. The game manages to hit that sweet spot in terms of accessibility and depth - with its thrilling FPS gameplay, intuitive interface, as well as detailed RPG progression and customization. And of course, there's the massive arsenal of cool guns - that doesn't reach an absurd, overwhelming level a la BL3. The release of Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary has given it something of a renaissance while reminding older fans how awesome this zany romp is.
With so much expansive content - and a level cap reaching a whopping 80 - diving into this classic can be somewhat intimidating for newcomers. Even experienced BL2 players may find it hard to reach this new bar with their old characters. With that said, let's explore ten strategies and tips that will allow players to get to the max level quickly and efficiently.
How To Level Up Fast Borderlands 2
One of the biggest highlights of the Borderlands series - and particularly this second entry - is its fun, well-crafted co-op mode. What's great is the game's fairly flexible system of allowing players of different levels to team up and have a consistently solid experience that's not too tough.
This open-ended system should be taken advantage of, as it allows a player to jump into the game of a friend who's progressed farther. Thus, one could ride their coattails to take on tougher monsters with greater ease. As a side note - lower level players may want to emphasize range-focused characters like Zero or Maya, while the stronger player handles the dirty work up close.
Bosses can be tough in BL2, but they can also yield a slew of riches and a hefty boost in XP. The (core) game's final boss, The Warrior, can be particularly useful in this respect. He's ideal in that teammates can rendezvous to his location with relative ease, simply by fast traveling to Hero's Pass. Playing him in normal mode will still yield tons of loot and xp - including coveted Legendary guns - while still being manageable to beat.
This bounty of valuable guns and gear will make powering through the game, and thus leveling up a smoother, swifter process. Focus on farming this boss, especially with other players - as they can help pick off other baddies in the arena and net even more XP.
While there's plenty to do within the core gameplay of BL2, Gearbox has cranked out a number of DLC packs since its release several years ago. These add some fun new content, but they also scale to a player's level when diving in.
The most recent release, Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary, should be particularly stressed. This epilogue quest throws a ton of bigger, badder foes and cool new weapons at you, and some fairly short side quests to boot. Beyond this, the normal mode level cap here extends further than other packs. All of these traits make it ideal for reaching a higher level more quickly. The more expansive content in these allows players to get closer to the max level while minimizing the need for grinding, farming, or replaying the same things.
Specifically, "Tinder Snowflake" resides in the How Marcus Saved Mercenary Dave DLC pack. He can be summoned rather simply, by ringing bells on a cliffside dock on Frozen Lake. High-level players decked with Incendiary-laced weapons can "melt" this guy within a couple of minutes.
There are a number of things that make this quest great for reaching higher levels relatively quickly. For one, there will be a plethora of Varkids; many of which will evolve into Badasses after busting out of their pods. This would be useful enough, but using the injector will transform them into the more powerful Mutated Varkids, which are good for tons of precious XP. This can be exploited for as long as all of the samples aren't picked up.
Despite the large supply of foes and loot throughout, leveling progress will almost inevitably slow down. This is because there are limits on enemy and player level caps. The DLC will extend this somewhat, but only to an extent. The answer? Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode - which is unlocked after beating True Vault Hunter Mode.
Players seeking a max level will need to have played the game at least twice to get to Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. This grueling mode comes with much tougher foes, and thus more XP. But more importantly, it'll also continue to scale with players as they level. Combine this with some of the other strategies and tips outlined previously - emphasize Slag, for instance - and watch the XP roll in. Eventually, that coveted 80th level will be reached.
The leveling and experience system of Borderlands 2 is similar to any other game out there. Experience is gained by killing enemies and completing quests. Higher the level/difficulty of enemies and quests means more experience for players. In this guide, we will tell you how to level up fast in Borderlands 2.
What is the sweet spot for experience gain? Is it more effective to fight the highest level enemies I can find, or am I penalized for being out of my depth? Are certain areas of the game better/best for experience gain/leveling? Are bosses better than areas with infinite minions? Would I get exp faster in a higher-level co-op game? What are the most time-effective techniques for rushing/boosting a character (either solo or co-op)?
Kill flesh stick again and again in the Tina special guest quest. best if your coop partner stays by her and keeps beginning the mission while you are where he spawns waiting for him with a shotgun or else. at lvl 14 its 1800exp every time. i leveled to 20 in 5 minutes.
At level 50 playing TVHM they give you an average of 300 XP per kill. If you have adequate power in your shots or a good gun with a decent size mag they will drop like a rock. If you have the bee one hit or if not maybe from 2-3 or 5-7 depending on power of gun. This becomes around 3000 to 6000 xp if you can kill 10-20 rakks, in one magazine. So after only 4 mags you get the same xp as if you killed the warrior.
Caustic caverns is probably the best place to level your character, from what Ive seen the creatures there level up with you and are always your level or a few higher (caustic caverns is available after chapter nine in sanctuary hole).
Due to patches on the warrior killing exploit, one of the best ways to speed level is repeating Bar Room Blitz in Pyro Pete's Bar (Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage DLC) over and over. Every time a level 50 character completes the mission for you, you gain a level (up to level 25).
I ended up fighting Dukino's Mom at level 32 for 7600 exp. per farm. The route leading to the Bosses Chamber has openable items for completing the open containers challenge. Lynchwood was a fun farm area for sure. There is a legendary rocket launcher drop from the Boss as well!
Once you have a level 50 on the seperate account, use that account to finish playthrough 1 and almost all of playthrough 2. Stop on the last mission (Talon of God) right before you call the moonshot to kill the warrior. Save the game and quit.
Now reload the game and a second account (most likely your normal account). Run down there with your second account, moonshot the warrior (25k+exp), collect the lvl 50 legendary that drops pretty much everytime, shoot jack (79k+exp), Pause the game with the second player (account your leveling, not the one with the quest) exit the game with that character which saves for only that toon.
On a second note, while playing through the game with that level 50, have a second person logged in as well, that toon will not only complete all quests, but they will also be around level 45 when your toon finishes the game.
There's a tradeoff between fighting very high XP gain enemies, and fighting relatively low XP gain enemies but killing them much faster. This break-even point tends to move as you level, so a general rule of thumb might be that if you find yourself getting knocked down often in an area, and/or kills are relatively far between, you're probably better off finding an easier area to farm in.
That said, I'll note a few areas I've farmed XP in, and some pros/cons to each. I used these methods to level 3 secondary characters up to the 20's while co-oping with a post-TVHM level 53 Axton in order to get character-related achievements.
In the Vault of the Warrior area, there are infinite numbers of Rakk that you can fight constantly. It's time consuming to get here, as you have to go all the way through Hero's Pass to reach the Vault. There are some pretty rough fights, including a Badass Constructor. You can run past these guys, but on TVHM with a level 53 Axton, I still found myself going down pretty frequently.
If you have the Torgue DLC, the Bar Room Blitz mission can be done over and over again for XP. Of the several repeatable missions in the DLC, this one seems to be the easiest and most profitable. The enemies here are always 50-52, even on Normal mode, so you'll want to be mid 50s in order to kill them fast enough to make it profitable. If you can't just wreck face on these guys, you're not going to gain XP fast enough.
You can go pretty much anywhere on TVHM and find enemies that are in the high 40's and low 50's. If you're getting kills consistently, you'll level quickly. It then boils down to where there aren't many annoying enemies that slow you down and give you trouble.
Head to the Dust after completing the mission "The Good, The Bad and the Mordecai", you can then farm Mobley, Gettle and McNally (plus the Black Queen if you want). At level 26, the first 3 all gave 3.5k experience and had a chance to drop a unique weapon.
The best experience farm I've found so far is the Vault of the Warrior. You can complete it relatively easily at level 35 and power level any character you want up to 40 in relatively good time. After you've finished the game the first time (that is there is no Handsome Jack to deal with), you can just spawn the warrior and hide out by the map exit. 2ff7e9595c